CMR - Casa Mia Restaurants
CMR stands for Casa Mia Restaurants
Here you will find, what does CMR stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Casa Mia Restaurants? Casa Mia Restaurants can be abbreviated as CMR What does CMR stand for? CMR stands for Casa Mia Restaurants. What does Casa Mia Restaurants mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Leeds, Leeds engaged in restaurants industry.
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Alternative definitions of CMR
- Clear Master Relay
- Code Of Massachusetts Regulations
- Cancel Move Request
- Code Of Mass Regulation
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations
- Common Mode Range
- Certified Marketing Representative
View 126 other definitions of CMR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CTPL Carnot Technologies Private Limited
- CKDL CK Direct Ltd.
- CS The Countertop Shop
- CSL Champ Services Limited
- CADE Corry Auto Dealers Exchange
- CDO Carrus Delta Oy
- CJC Crown Jewel Club
- C4KWW Care 4 Kids World Wide
- CDC Creative Design Consulting
- CMCSL Caspian Management Catering Services LLC
- CSG Complex Software Group
- CCF Create Change Foundation
- CCL Cornell Capital LLC
- CCS Christian Community Schools
- CCI Capital Chrysler Inc
- CDSC Canossa Day Surgery Centre